Click here tAs a result of a defensive reaction endorphins released many headaches are, well, the scars on the back side effects are considered insignificant. You can apply different vibes to the sore spot; pinch the skin electro impulses etc. In general, any vibration, electric or myo-stimulation will lead to some degree of activation of protective systems, because our body is very reactive.

But sometimes negative consequences of such treatment may exceed the positive, because the struggle with the stress of such a non-specific way, it may take too much effort. You must choose the least stress treatment options selectively and acupressure on the target structure, such as a health center. This is especially important for the elderly.
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The most striking embodiment of the principle is the introduction of direct stimulation electrodes directly into the brain and irritation appropriate structures weak electric current. This requires full anesthesia because it is necessary to drill holes in the skull, high-confining (stereotactic) apparatus and highly qualified personnel.

The effect is achieved wide, but at what cost? The cost of these operations is more than 50 thousand dollars. However, such interventions do in the U.S. and Japan, several hundred per year.

But Professor Lebedev team went the other way. Thanks to the perfect opening to them (at the center of health identified resonant properties) Door Locks can be activated from the outside - just giving the right impetus to the right place.

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Namely endorphins are powerful analgesics (in equal concentrations are 50 times more dangerous narcotic analgesic - morphine), run the repair processes, regulate cellular immunity, help to normalize blood pressure and do much more. That is, they are universal "internal medicine" in our body, by nature intended to maintain its normal condition. Back to the answer to the second question - how to manage the health center?

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Generally speaking, we can do it at least every day. For example, a simple breath-holding leads to a slight increase in the level of endorphins, hiking in the mountains, cold water dousing, jogging in the park or a game of football - it all works on the activation of CH. Scientific decision, and any other important tasks also gives us additional charge. Finally, hugs, affection and sex are powerful sources of endorphins.

But often we cannot afford anything of the above. Sometimes circumstances do not permit this, the lack of time, or, alas, non-shiny physical condition. And keep in mind that any regular classes require uncommon manifestation of willpower, but with this we often have the biggest problems.

Is there any way in this situation? Around the world are actively looking for it invented hundreds of ways that with varying degrees of compliance can be called activation methods Health Center. For example, one physician in the Altai not hesitate whips patients rods in the bath.

The first thing you need to pay attention - eyes. If the night was sleepless, they are likely swollen, and proteins - red. In such a situation would be very useful to use the patch - cosmetic patch with a toning and firming properties. You can buy it at the pharmacy.

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Capillary net on the eyes - beauty does not add - let's be honest. Effectively help you cope with it eye drops. They help the eye muscles to return to tone and reduce inflammation. Choose drop only on the advice of a doctor, otherwise, besides fatigue can earn more and allergies or other unpleasant consequences.

If the time before you leave home you have enough, then pamper your eyelids mask the effect of Botox. Buy this product can have professional cosmetologists. It is predominantly branded cosmetics. Skin tone, you can also return using lemon juice.

If you are looking concealer and powder, we recommend paying attention to the means of the effect of flicker. They accentuate the dignity of the skin and hide its flaws.

Eye fatigue can hide not only by drugs and masks, but also by proper make-up. It is important to correct accents. Do not use brown or beige color - they give more "tired" eyes. Fresher look can make your shimmery shadow or pencil applied to the inner corner of the eye.

Artificial vomiting - Such a way of losing weight as artificial vomiting, used most often young girls, make sure that after ingestion and its subsequent emergency "O" from the body, they have there a long lasting feeling of satiety. This view is fundamentally wrong, as there is a feeling of satiety as filling the stomach with food and just as quickly disappears after its devastation.

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Constantly causing vomiting, you are breaking the secretory activity and motility of the gastrointestinal tract, making a similar process of gastric emptying in a conditioned reflex.

Fans of this absurd method face severe metabolic disorder, gastritis and peptic ulcer disease. Women who lose weight in this way, there have been cases of death from exhaustion, in situations where they do not have time to be hospitalized at the insistence of concerned relatives and friends.

How to look good after a sleepless night - If you spent the whole night without sleep and in the morning you will not be able to sleep, too, and look more or less decently necessary - to present you a few tips that will help you always be the queen!

No matter what is the cause of wakefulness is whether Sleepover or working day was not enough or maybe health problems. The main thing - a new day has begun, and you just have to look good. Let's see what will help you.

You to clamp the bat in the back and swing uncontrollably back and forth are not a suitable warm-up exercise. This would allow the recreatio

nal players do more harm than good comes of it. Many amateur golfers refrain from shyness to the warm-up exercises: "It is always a bit overcome," says mouth. After all, who once start on the driving range with gymnastics, run the risk of being laughed at.
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In addition to a healthy self-awareness helps nothing. "If you are successful, others make it after."
The golf coach also advises beginners and advanced to balance exercises. In a total of three shots, the golfer shifts the weight from the back foot until both feet and then on the front foot.

The sensitized the golfer for a secure stand with the so-called three-way exercise, the athlete can get sensitized for the momentum: First Strike - slow oscillations of second blow - swing a little faster third beat - swing quickly stretching also part of the warm-up, fingers doing a stretching before a game well.

Especially the middle of the body was claimed on the golf course. Therefore, players who train with a certain ambition should strengthen their muscles in the abdomen and back. "This is extremely important for good golfers to not get a herniated disc," says mouth. He recommends holding exercises to stabilize the trunk.

In the fact that the athlete side lying on the ground, then based on the forearm and the entire upper body and the hips lifted. For advanced golfers who are looking for a recreational sport, recommends oral climbing. There, the voltage will train in the middle of the body, the grab with your fingers and the balance with the feet - everything a good golfer needs.
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Breast Cancer: Healthy diet may reduce risk - You are what you eat: A healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet and exercise reduces the risk of developing cancer. The disease is favored mainly by obesity. Certain types of tumors such as breast, uterus, colon and kidney cancers are caused by overweight and can thus be avoided by eating a healthy diet. This reports the German Cancer Aid in Bonn. Experts estimate that about half of all new cancer cases could be prevented each year in Germany by a healthier lifestyle.

Every year, 490 000 people develop, about 220 000 die from it.
Low fat, lots of vitamins - For healthy lifestyle includes a diet rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains and low in fat and meat and regular exercise to prevent obesity. Then, the Cancer Society on the occasion of the day of healthy eating on Thursday (March 7) back. It should also mono-to fish on the menu twice a week. Who dispense with smoking, little alcohol drinking and protects always good from the sun, reduce risk of cancer goes on.

Body mass index for women and for men is slightly different. There are advanced formula allowing calculating BMI by sex, age, waist circumference, etc. One of these formulas is the formula Brock giving importance of the ideal body weight person who leads a normal life with moderate loads. Using formula Brock ideal body weight women calculated as follows:

M = P - 100 - (R-100) / 10 and men - like this:

M = P - 100 - (F-100) / 20

Here M - body weight and P - growth.

The man who decided to engage seriously asking his body mass index, finds the Internet a set of formulas which, given certain parameters, indicators suggest correspondence between height, age and weight formula Breitman, Davenport, Oder, Noorda and others In order to finally make sure there are no problems with weight, you can calculate the BMI of their body under different formulas and note which category applies the index values ​​in different interpretations.

The first thing we often think ascertained slight excess BMI above the norm - it's about a particular diet. However, remember that BMI correction is not only the selection of diet, but also changes in the level of physical activity. If excess body mass index is small, sign up in the fitness center! You will receive a "two in one" - correction mass and overall strengthening of the body by burning calories when performing various exercises.

Learn what may be causing pain in the stomach.

The feeling of a "lump in the throat"

The persistence of a sensation of having a lump in the throat, without having a difficulty in swallowing and where the symptom not was definitively linked to meals, is not significant. The causes are unknown.
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Heartburn is a symptom that everyone has felt, but it is not mandatory to be a symptom or indication of a disease. The symptom is accompanied by vomiting acid. Symptoms

A hot burning sensation from the top of the throat to the stomach

 The symptoms are triggered or worsened when the patient leans forward when standing up, when lying down or when eating an especially high-fat meal, or because the stimuli caused by tobacco, alcohol and coffee.


The symptoms will be alleviated if the patient avoid fatty foods, coffee, alcohol, tobacco and avoid work lying down and eat light meals supplemented with cookies and milk. Fat people can relieve symptoms if they lose a few pounds.

Treatment can be supplemented with neutralizing acidic substances. In some severe attacks, tablets aluminum amino acetate (2 or those which are necessary) may be given. In stronger attacks, and if there is suspicion of a stomach ulcer, you should consult your doctor.

 Gastric ulcers and gastritis

There is a gradual transition in intensity of symptoms of gastritis and gastric ulcer, which may be compounded with stomach bleeding and perforation of the stomach to the abdominal cavity.

Indigestion and congestion

I'm not sentient me very well." This is a typical sentence after year-end festivities. After all, many people exaggerate the power during the celebrations. And consequences of this oversight may be different: indigestion, allergies and food poisoning.

Then meet each of these disorders explaining the gastro Jorge Stefano and prevent it!

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Indigestion and congestion

What is stopping Excess food in the stomach Symptoms Nausea, feeling of malaise care Decrease the amount of food at mealtimes and especially avoid excess red meat or fat.

Medical monitoring If, in a period of 5 to 6 hours, the symptoms have not yet gone, look for an emergency room.

Food Allergy

What is an inflammation in the stomach or intestine? Symptoms Pain in the abdomen, diarrhea, vomiting and in some cases, itching. Care Avoid eating large amounts of food ever eaten before. You can be allergic without knowing.

Medical monitoring if you start to feel short of breath, go to the nearest hospital. Otherwise, you can wait 5-6 hours until symptoms abate.

Food poisoning

What are Excess bacteria, viruses or toxins in the food ingested. Symptoms Abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration and, in some cases, fever care Drink plenty of fluids and always store foods (like mayonnaise) in the refrigerator. Tracking doctor See your doctor if you cannot eat because of vomiting or drowsiness or have bloody stools

If herpes does not bother you, leave him alone." If the herpes stay purulent (pus-filled) - which rarely happens - see a doctor to ensure proper treatment of bacterial infection.

If you have herpes replace your toothbrush

Replace your toothbrush:

Your toothbrush can hold the herpes virus for days, re infectando it after having healed the current herpes.
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Researchers from the University of Oklahoma exposed for ten minutes a toothbrush to the virus. "Seven days later, half of producing disease virus remained on the brush."

How to prevent the toothbrush is contagious? Get rid of it. Rid of the toothbrush so realize that caught the virus.

If you still develop shingles, throw your toothbrush out after the bubble disappears.

This may prevent the development of multiple shingles. And so that has healed completely, replace the brush again.

 Several people infected with this virus say they tried this method and significantly reduced the number of herpes they used to have during the year.

Do not leave your toothbrush at home


A wet in a humid environment such as the bathroom, brush is desired by the herpes simplex virus scenario. The moisture helps prolong the life of the virus on your toothbrush. . Store it in a dry place

Use small tubes of toothpaste:


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    November 2013

