Click here tAs a result of a defensive reaction endorphins released many headaches are, well, the scars on the back side effects are considered insignificant. You can apply different vibes to the sore spot; pinch the skin electro impulses etc. In general, any vibration, electric or myo-stimulation will lead to some degree of activation of protective systems, because our body is very reactive.

But sometimes negative consequences of such treatment may exceed the positive, because the struggle with the stress of such a non-specific way, it may take too much effort. You must choose the least stress treatment options selectively and acupressure on the target structure, such as a health center. This is especially important for the elderly.
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The most striking embodiment of the principle is the introduction of direct stimulation electrodes directly into the brain and irritation appropriate structures weak electric current. This requires full anesthesia because it is necessary to drill holes in the skull, high-confining (stereotactic) apparatus and highly qualified personnel.

The effect is achieved wide, but at what cost? The cost of these operations is more than 50 thousand dollars. However, such interventions do in the U.S. and Japan, several hundred per year.

But Professor Lebedev team went the other way. Thanks to the perfect opening to them (at the center of health identified resonant properties) Door Locks can be activated from the outside - just giving the right impetus to the right place.

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    November 2013

