How to prevent and treat herpes with homemade remedies

How to prevent and treat herpes with homemade remedies

The bite that feels above the upper lip is unmistakable. You know what that is? The beginning of another herpes  labials. For anyone who has cold sores  know how horrible this feeling. This article serves to help prevent and treat cold sores  that bothers so many people.
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Herpes is a virus?

Yes, Herpes is caused by the "herpes simplex" virus.

How do I infected (a) with herpes?

Most likely you have been infected by the herpes  for some of their relatives in the infected child, to kiss him at a time that herpes simplex was infectious.

The virus rushed into his mouth and tried a host cell, probably a nerve cell that would allow immediate entry of the virus. Then he ordered the DNA virus that made ​​immense equal to it.

When will I again have herpes?

In most cases, these viruses are homemade. But occasionally, the herpes simplex virus family likes to take a vacation. So down the 'road-cars' nerve to reach the skin surface

When this happens, you start to feel those horrible bites, which mark the beginning of a new crisis of herpes.

When it starts again a crisis of herpes, what can you do about it? Then leave some tips to prevent the onset of herpes  and to help  quickly eliminate the symptoms of herpes .

Keep herpes clean and dry:

Urea reinforces the nourishing effect of a product, by ensuring that the skin swells and thereby reduce their water loss. A similar effect was hyaluronic serum. Then the percentage of fat should be correspondingly lower, so that the product feeding easier.

Carefully cleaned - No matter on what care is the preferred choice, it should only be applied to clean skin carefully. And the evening is skin cleansing duty with as little as possible not to hot water and a maximum with pH neutral soap and then a lotion. "
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You do not need special winter cleaning products, but should put in Gesichtstonic on mild, sensitive products do not contain alcohol," says Ferdinand. Extensive hot showers are best reduced to short cold showers, the bubble bath replaced with bath oil and used by the whole-body hygiene a moisturizing cream and scrubs are now taboo. They would strain too much skin.

Nutrition - Diet also helps to keep the skin healthy and functional. "Traditionally, we eat in the winter a little harder. The skin does not necessarily good, "says Angela Clausen, nutrition scientist at the center for North Rhine-Westphalia. Instead, body and skin are better supplied with a varied diet. Whole grain and dairy products, vegetables and fruits should take the lead roles. Your vital substances additionally bring the immune system in momentum and thus strengthen the skin.

Fat cells - The scientific interest in the topic of fat cells had been aroused by the rise of obesity. For fat cells or adipocytes are responsible for the expansion of our bellies and waists. Suppose to, these cells enlarge. So far, the experts but did not know sure cannot change their number. Would that be possible in principle, could reduce their number when removing theoretically.

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Number remains the same - To find an answer to this question, the Swedish scientists tested first several hundred children, adolescents and adults of various ages. It was found that the number of fat cells increases during childhood, with reaching adulthood, however, remains the same.

Loss in weight - In a next step it was investigated whether the number of fat cells can change under extreme conditions. To this were subjects who were on the verge of a radical weight loss, removed fat cells.

Gastric Band - Some patients received a gastric band, an operating measure to the reduction of the stomach. After the weight loss is a fatter sample was taken to determine whether the total number of fat cells was decreased. The result: the amount of fat cells remained the same!

Bad for diet followers - These research results mean bad news for diet followers, says study leader Kirsty Spalding, and explains why: "This is clear why it is so hard to lose weight and then keep it. The fat cells remain and want to be fed. "

Skin Tone - Also, the skin tone is important for the choice of the Foundation. The skin colors are divided into six skin types: Type 1 is very light-skinned and has light blond or red hair. Type 2 also has fair skin; the hair is blonde or light brown. The vast majority of Germans is of type 3 with medium skin color as well as dark or light brown hair, sometimes dark blond.

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Mediterranean type - The Mediterranean type (type 4) has a brown skin and dark hair. The dark skin types 5 and 6 are, for example from the Arab countries or from Africa. Differ within the Type 3 makeup artists then between yellow and reddish complexion. The rule of thumb here: Who gets a bronze brown skin in the summer, has a reddish complexion, which developed a tan that goes into the copper-colored rather, has a yellowish skin tone.

Mixture - "Most of complexion is a mix," explains the make-up artist Horst Kirchberger from Munich. Whether the nuance of the Foundation actually harmonizes with your own skin, is best seen on the neck or on the inside of the forearm in daylight.

For some time making with the BB Cream Foundation a new generation of a sensation, the abbreviation stands for "Blemish Balm". "Blemish" in English means blemish. Cream is a genuine all-rounder: Extremely fine particles of silicone smooth the complexion and refine pores.

The cocoa flavonoids provide for the heart, creates endorphins. Six panels are called precious milk chocolate, fine cocoas from certain growing regions, mostly in Central and South America. It should constitute at least 40 percent of the cocoa content of precious chocolate. But that does not guarantee a noble taste: When Karina and Goutier of Netto Marken-Discount cocoa.

After all, keep all products, the minimum shares for a cocoa: 25 percent are in milk and 30 percent for milk chocolate. The milk shares are in favor - at least 14 percent, it must be with milk, 18 percent of milk chocolate.
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Hardly mineral oils in nut chocolate - In December 2012, the Stiftung Warentest had found mineral oils in the chocolate advent calendars. Some of them are considered to be potentially carcinogenic. Also nut chocolate is not free of it . In almost all products the testers reported critical aromatic mineral oils - but much less than in the chocolate calendar 2012: a maximum of one-sixth - and at the nut chocolates from Aldi (North), matched and Norma. The applicable as less critical saturated mineral oil fractions were found in all products, also in lesser amounts. The pollutant verdict for no chocolate in the test less than satisfactory from the chocolate industry is conducting intensive research by its own account, as it can reduce mineral oils in production and supply chain.

Incorrect information on the ingredients list - Three chocolate cut in the investigation flawed from: the Rapunzel (1.99 Euros) Ritter Sport (85 cents) and country of purchase (39 cents). You fooled by their labeling. Thus, the Ritter Sport Whole Hazelnuts called in the list of ingredients only “natural flavoring" . But the chocolate does not fulfill that promise. The testers reported even for the flavoring agent chemically produced piperonal. Such a declaration is deceptive to consumers. Also, K -Classic Kaufland leads with untrue statement aroma astray:

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The chocolate contained not only, as indicated, vanilla extract, but also synthetic vanillin. And Rapunzel stuck among other 28 percent fewer nuts in chocolate as were declared. Nut salary ranges 9-31 percent full on the nut or just a little - the nut content is not prescribed. Each manufacturer may freely decide: So Lindt is 31 percent out of hazelnuts, Alpia to nine percent. Worrying levels of mycotoxins, cadmium, pesticides, mineral oils and germs the testers found in any other product. The chocolates changes mainly taste: some about the hazelnuts are aromatic, others partly bitter. Take a bite and do something good: Hazelnuts provide B vitamins, polyunsaturated fatty acids and a lot of energy - 644 kilocalories per 100 grams. A panel nut chocolate comes to an average of 586 calories, similar to milk and dark chocolate.

"When I complain to her friends that thick, they twist a finger to his temple, - says Lena elegant with thin wrists and the impressive size of the breast. - But really I should touch it, and it becomes clear: I'm pretty to the touch - well, clean bun! And when I went to a dietitian, it turned out that my body fat is 13% above the norm. It's no good. "

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"Unfortunately, the lack of exercise leads not only to the" invisible ", but it is obvious to obesity. Non-working muscles are gradually replaced with fat, when excessive caloric intake extra pounds postponed for the future, in the typical places - by gender. "By the way, if well developed muscular frame, says nutritionist Julia Chekhonin, fat fold is thinner. And this is another reason to add to your life movement.

Signs of inactivity - If we have not scared you (well, your friend) the consequences of physical inactivity and strict diets, leave us and our experts last word on the subject. "There is a clear definition of health risks - says Julia Chekhonin.

If the index is "waist - hip" is greater than 0.8, the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes. If lack of exercise is prolonged, your faithful companion will become depressed - because muscle tone helps produce hormones of happiness. In addition, restriction of mobility causes an increase in appetite. This is due to the depressed state of the - my heart badly, I want something to please yourself, and the food is a good way.

Pull yourself together and develop a program of action that will raise the spirits. "If depression covers you every December, Spend time out to listen to him and understand what you really want and what would be better - advises psychologist, gestalt therapist Anna Nazarova. Otherwise, the situation will be repeated from year to year. “Sports, singing, art therapy, swimming with dolphins, playing checkers finally - you have a huge choice.
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Tip one: If the soul asks the song, go to vocal lessons, not jumps up on the snowmobile and do not write on cooking classes. Listening to myself (as well as colleagues on the editorial board), I went to the four directions: a spa, fitness club, to yoga and hunting club. Maybe your inner voice calls you there too.

Skinny also cry - There is light at the amazing ladies that nature has provided excellent metabolism and asthenic physique. These girls cannot afford to eat about anything, and thus they will look beautiful by wearing stylish outfit. But this does not mean that dropping the clothes, they all remain graceful nymphs.

Not so long ago, we visited the display of a collection of lingerie and went after him discouraged - more than half of the models shown on the catwalk are not the ideal forms. And it is the fortieth-size clothes!

CC creams contain virtually the same folder as the BB products, but in addition in the list of ingredients to find nourishing substances reducing redness and other color irregularities.

Thanks to the higher pigment content many products cover more, and so can fully replace the current make-up. They are also lighter texture, thus better applied to the skin and do not perceive it.
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Suitable for correction and oily parts of the face and not settle increases. Feel it can be applied around the eyes .
CC cream with UV filter 30 from Chanel on Czech market can be found in one universal shade ...Max Factor said CC cream on the Czech market as one of the first.

Also the French Sahara outdone and came to the market with their versions of CC ...
If you are over 25 years old and still observe the skin pimples, annoying grease, color imperfections, redness while looking for a practical product which acts as a day cream and make-up at the same time, the CC cream appreciate more than anything else on the market.
Even in this category, there are differences between the products. Fortunately, the offer is not so great as BB creams, so find the best CC cream is not so difficult.

Easier than make-up
Among the available CC Creams find two categories - covering more and more brightening.
Their advantage is the fact that most companies offer in more shades than BB creams easier to find the right shade for your skin. While we are talking about higher proportion of pigment and brightening agents, you do not have to worry about unnatural result. After all, it is still the cream to which is easier to work with than traditional makeup.

After embarking CC BB creams. Are they better, or is it a gimmick?

A few years ago began retail stores operated BB creams, which are still a great hit in cosmetics.

Development goes forward, however, and with it the ingenuity of laboratories and advertising experts.

 After a while the Czech market got more of the news - CC creams. What are the different and stand for it? We looked at these products in more detail.
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Classic moisturizing creams stretch.  Women want it all, and now, at this beauty ...Another 9 pictures in gallery

Classic moisturizing creams stretch.

Women want it all, and now, on which cosmetic companies react new generation of products that combine skin care and decorative cosmetics.

Double letter in the name of CC means color control / or correcting the unifying color

While BB cream is a beauty / blemish balm, beauty balm that pampers the skin, protects and moisturizes, CC cream goes on.

Both contain a UV filter, moisturizing and brightening ingredients together with pigments. Their ratio, however, varies considerably.

CC cream is more focused on correcting skin imperfections while on their cause.

It is, therefore, a more sophisticated and efficient than its predecessor. While BB is suitable for young girls and women who solve minor flaws in the ointment, as a minimum cover, and often emphasize fine lines.

More correction, lighter feeling


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    November 2013

